Sometimes I find information in question and answer forums that I can’t find from a simple Google search. I learn about useful websites, I’m referred to great resources, and some of the best secrets of the web are revealed to me through word-of-mouth. I don’t get a ranked list of websites that happened to have what I searched for in their meta data (information that search engines read but isn’t visible to site users). The results of my search aren’t based on algorithms and back links. They come from another real-life person. I ask for something I need, and if another person has the answer, they give it to me.
On a rare and incredible occasion, I also have the pleasure of providing the answer. On one such occasion I came across the following question:
“What is a website where I can get free stuff online without having to refer other people or give them my credit card information?”
No doubt this question was referring to rewards-type websites who give away free video game systems, ipods, and plasma screen TVs. Websites like this actually do exist, but the truth is, a person does have to sign up for trials and programs (ie. give credit card information), and refer about 5 friends in order to receive the “free” reward.
When I came across this question I found that others had already answered it. Here is one of the answers that was given:
“THERE IS NO SUCH THING. What in the world would make anyone think there’s some kind of magic web site out there, where all you have to do is ask and some total stranger is just going to hand you something that’s worth a thousand or more dollars? WHY WOULD ANYONE DO THAT? Does that really make any sense to you? No! It’s NOT going to happen.”
When I read this answer and the other answers, I couldn’t believe it! Because I know of a magic website where you don’t have to sign up for programs, you don’t have to give anyone your credit card information, you don’t have to refer any friends, and a perfect stranger will give you something that may be worth a thousand or more dollars. And despite the fact that this is one of the most popular, highest ranked websites on the internet, it still seems to get overlooked when someone asks, “where can I get free stuff?”
Here are just a few items I’ve received from the Magic Website:
- A PlayStation 2 with 2 controllers, memory cards, and 4 games; worth about $200 at the time.
- A file cabinet for my home office; worth about $150.
- 5 inch binders, quantity of 10. At $30 each this set was worth $300. (I know $30 sounds strange for binders, but they cost this much when the spine is 5 inches. I needed them for my graduate classes).
- A bookshelf worth about $50. I didn’t even meet the stranger that gave it to me. They left it somewhere, told me in an email where it was, and I picked it up.
Need more examples?
- A collection of Sci-Fi/Fantasy books worth over $300.
- An Australian didgeridoo worth at least $100.
- A Weber charcoal grill worth about $50.
- A collection of CDs and DVDs worth at least $100.
- A Sanyo 20 inch color TV worth about $20.
I find items like these every day on the Magic Website! The only thing I have to do is contact the person giving it away and then go pick it up. No credit card and no referrals required. And if that wasn’t enough, here are some more items that I found but didn’t receive simply because I wasn’t the first person to ask for them:
- A 61-Key Yamaha keyboard worth at least $150.
- Stereos, stereo speakers and other stereo equipment worth at least $200.
- Numerous puppies, kittens, birds and other pets worth anywhere from $50-$500.
- 2 or 3 portable basketball hoops worth about $170 each.
- An exercise pulley system weight machine worth at least $200.
- A trampoline worth about $300.
- A pool table worth at least $500.
You could furnish you’re entire home for free with the Magic Website! I see furniture all the time, including:
- An L-shaped black-leather couch with 2 recliners and a hide-a-bed worth at least $500.
- A portable dishwasher with a counter top worth at least $200. (I wish I caught this one in time. It would have been nice in my apartment).
- A black leather office chair worth anywhere from $50-$100.
- Numerous entertainment centers worth anywhere from $50-$150.
- Numerous Washers, Dryers, Refridgerators, Dishwashers and other appliances worth anywhere from $25-$200.
- Numerous pianos worth up to $500. They’re mostly upright pianos. I’d assume grand pianos are rare, but I wouldn’t be surprised if I found one.
- Beds, armoires, desks, kitchen tables . . . you name it! I’ve seen it on the magic website. Although I wouldn’t recommend using the mattresses or any product that might be related to safety or personal hygiene (which includes where someone sleeps).
So by now you’re probably saying, “alright, these are all nice and pricey, but not one is worth a thousand dollars or more”. Keep reading. Here are the thousand-dollar items I’ve found on the Magic Website:
- A 46 inch HDTV Mitsubishi Projection TV worth at least $1,000.
- A short bed early 90’s pick-up truck worth at least $2,000. The engine ran but the owner described it as “needing work”.
- A 10 x 40 foot office trailer worth over $2,000 at least.
- A 5th wheel trailer worth at least $1,000. (described as “needs cleaning inside”)
- A candy vending machine worth about $1,100.
- Numerous working hot tubs worth at least $1,000 each.
- Complete collections of office furniture for the entire office, including desks, chairs, conference tables, cubicles, file cabinets (standard and legal size), book shelves, etc. worth at least $3,000.
- A 3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom, Mobile Home in Northern California worth at least $20,000! (That’s not a typo—at least twenty thousand dollars. The catch was that the person that received it had to have $5,000 cash on hand to prove he or she had the means to relocate the mobile home).
So there you have it. There is a magic website that doesn’t require credit card information, it doesn’t require referring your friends, and it’s a place where a complete stranger may offer you something worth a thousand dollars or more. It’s even one of the most popular websites online.
Would you like to know what it is?
It’s Craigslist of course! I didn’t say the items were brand new. In most cases the items are used, but even in used condition they could be valued at hundreds or thousands of dollars. There are plenty of caveats to using Craigslist, but the freebies can often be nice. Read more about getting Free Stuff on Craigslist.